Al-Quds University - Faculty of Engineering - Computer Engineering Department
Information Systems Fundamentals 0702322
Welcome back!
This course introduces management information systems. After foundation, it explains technical aspects of information systems, and focuses on the process of redesigning organizations using information systems, then describes the role of information systems in decision making, and examines information security and ethical and social issues, along with emphasis on the Internet and electronic commerce, and supplements some case studies
Announcements & Other Links:
Make sure you complete registration process and attend the section you are enrolled in.
Term Exam: Wed, 27/6/2012 @11:00 AM, Faculty master hall,
material required: Chapters
1, 2, & 9.
Projects Submission: Sat, 7/7/2012 @11:00 AM, Same Place.
Final Exam:
Wed 11/7/2012 @2:00 PM, Faculty of Engineering Auditorium (Room Number 2119)
Click here and fill the form to submit the report of the first stage (one per group/team)
Project Report 2 Notes and Mini-Presentation (Deadline Sat 30/6/2012 lecture time)
Final submission announcement:
All groups should submit and demonstrate their projects on
Sat 7/7/2012 @11:00 AM at the Faculty of Engineering Auditorium OR my office OR
Faculty Masters Hall.
Submissions should include:
* Report 3 (as described above), max 15 pages, hardcopy+softcopy.
* PowerPoint presentation file (as described above), max 15 slides, hard
* The submitted CD should include the full software with code, along with the
report and presentation files, and with instructions on how to run the software.
* All group members must attend and expect questions regarding the development
of the system.
* Each group will be given 10-15 minutes to show their work.
* We will take groups in order (according to their project number in the list).
* More details later .
Good luck!
Chapter 1: Managing the
Digital Firm
Chapter 2: Information
Systems in the Enterprise
Chapter 9: The Internet &
the New Information Technology Infrastructure
Chapter 4: The Digital
Firm: Electronic Commerce & Electronic Business
Chapter 10: Redesigning the
Organization with Information Systems
Chapter 12: Managing
Knowledge: Knowledge Work And Artificial Intelligence
Assignment 1: What's a CEO/CTO? Due: Wed 6/6/2012 before 11:00 AM.
Assignment 2: Cisco Case Study (Window on Organization), textbook, page 7, Due: Fri 15/6/2012 before 11:59 PM, maximum 1 page, click here to submit.
Assignment 3: Window on Technology: M-Commerce, click here to submit. Due: Sat 7/7/2012 before 11:59 PM.
For comments, questions, or suggestions, please send email to:
2009-2012 (c) Mr. Yacoub Sabatin, BEng, MSc